
Staff Project Form

Questions marked with a * are required
Staff Project Form

This form is to request technician assistance on a project which exceeds the scope of a drop-in session, in other words something which requires more than an hour of time from a particular technician. For example; programming experiments, building custom equipment, requesting support for a new piece of software or requesting continued support throughout a dissertation/thesis project would all warrant a project request. If a project changes after it has been agreed, you will need to submit an a new form for any additional workload. 

For quick questions or one-off help with simple problems (such as creating a Qualtrics or SONA account, booking out a piece of equipment or asking what software to use), you can email psychtech@lincoln.ac.uk or drop-in to the technician office (SSB4217) any weekday between 08:30 and 4PM.

The procedure is as follows:

When you submit a staff project form, the technicians will receive an automated email.
We then discuss as a team whether to accept or refuse the request dependent on current workload and technical demand. This will be communicated to you via email. If we refuse a request we will always give you a reason. Please note that during the peak times of November and January to March, we are much less able to accept project requests.

Most of the time, we will conditionally confirm a request. Then, we will send you a reply with our time frames and what we need from you. If you agree, then we will go forward with your request where we get approval from the Head of School who will need to agree all projects.

Sometimes we will reply saying we need a meeting. In these cases, we just need a more thorough understanding of what you need. Hopefully, in these meetings we can agree a time frame e.t.c. After the meeting, we will send you a confirmation email of what was discussed and agreed, and whether we can/ cannot go forward with your request.
Student Name (if request is for a student project):
Staff Name(s):
Please tell us your request in the box below: